OSHC Benefits:
We believe Play 4 Life programs and service:
- Value adds to your Vacation Care Incursion Programs.
- Reinforce the very important physical aspect of a child’s development.
- A source of practical assistance in the prevention of childhood obesity.
- Provide a Focus on Maximum Participation in a Fun Environment.
- Are planned to cater for the child’s level.
- Are easy to implement because we make sure all the centres are contacted and serviced pre, during & post sessions to ensure we meet the session’s objectives.
- Is a one stop resource for OSHC’s head office or the respective centre. Dealing with one contact at Play 4 Life we hope makes the initial administrative workload smooth.
- Cater for a variety of Physical Activity programs. We can also add new or modify programs to suit what the OSHC desires.
Play 4 Life programs use student teachers (physical education & primary) from the University of Notre Dame plus other W.A. Universities and or Specialised Coaches.
Some of our programs include:
- Summer Sports
- Tabloids
- Multi-Skill
- Bulls Eye
- On the Lawn
- Finals Fever
- Fit Kids
- Balls Body & Brains
- Rio Theme
- Olympics
- Sports Specific
- Recreational Onsite Activities
- Dance Themes
- Etc.
Our immediate focus will be to offer OSHC’s a range of specific programs that suit the OSHC’s particular needs, running on a specific day & time to suit.